Execution of Marcellus Williams Scheduled Despite DNA Controversy:-
So as you all know today they will be moving forward with the execution of Marcelus Williams this guy was convicted of allegedly a murder that was committed against a woman named Felicia Gil back in 1998.
All right now this woman is or marcelus Williams allegedly stabbed this woman 43 times and when you look at that and the nature of the crime supposedly they committed a burglary and went into This Woman’s house and there was supposed to be a laptop that was taken so if you look at the whole story you will understand exactly how it is .
Right now if you understand anything about Missouri Missouri has a lot of this is one of the last states to abolish slavery so that spirit is still here you understand so a lot of things is not fair .
No DNA Evidence Linking Williams to Crime:-
When it comes to the justice system and people of color down here so um the way they the way they got this man locked up is like okay so they found no DNA evidence they literally found the murder weapon so they found none of his DNA on it they found footprints that was somebody else’s DNA on the murder weapon that was somebody else’s and he wasn’t in possession so now when you think about all of that and you start thinking about how why is this man locked up.
Authorities Move Forward Despite DNA Doubts:-
Since 2016 so when you start thinking about why is this man locked up if y’all been knowing this since 2016 he’s locked up because they were unsure that he committed this crime and they still don’t know they don’t have any DNA evidence to prove why he’s guilty and should be executed now let me tell you why they’re saying they’re still moving forward or why they’re claiming that he could still be you know guilty they’re claiming that.
Because the knife came from the victim’s kitchen the DNA that they found on it could be anybody’s that’s what their claim is well we don’t really need DNA because the DNA came from the woman’s kitchen and anybody could have touched that so that DNA could have came from anywhere that’s their take on it right but what you got to understand the rules and the laws in Missouri the rules first and the law second.
Comparing Sentences: Racial Disparities in Missouri:-
Who was found with a body in his trunk this dude literally defines got a body and you know when somebody say they got a body they say saying that they have unived somebody this dude literally defines that this dude got caught with a body in his trunk riding around Missouri.
It’s saying this dude got caught with a body in his trunk now mind you this dude got a body in his trunk so I’m thinking for sure this dude about to do 40 years he’s a white guy some years.
Was locked up doing some for some stupid stuff this was many years I was a teenager at the time so I asked him and he said yeah you know was able to put up my house in $500,000 cash .
Basically gave them a million dollars and they set him free he got 20 years probation I don’t know where he is today but my point is this man got caught with a body and he was able to put up a million dollars and be free here it is y’all don’t have no proof that marcelus Williams did this but y’all want to execute him that makes absolutely no sense at all no sense at all this is how the justice system works in Missouri .
Williams’ Case Highlights Systemic Injustice:-
You understand down here this this place down here is not right it’s a lot of laws and a lot of
things that need to be changed down here in Missouri all right but watch this y’all I’mma let y’all watch this man because this this this dude is going to be executed .
Now you’re looking at an innocent man currently awaiting execution 7 years ago the DNA on the murder weapon was finally tested and proved it was not his whoever handled this knife left DNA it is not marcelus Williams his execution.
Was stayed by the then governor and a panel was convened to reassess his conviction today a panel will work to decide if that evidence proves Williams is innocent so why is he still here how innocent do you have to be to avoid being executed this is Injustice it’s wrong the evidence shows my dad is innocent the closer you get to execution the stranger things get this interview Remains the only one marcelus has been able to give on camera from Death Row right.
Documentary Captures Story of Injustice:-
Now as you see sitting in prison on death row did it 6 years ago while working on a documentary about Marcel’s son’s boxing career he’s aspiring to be the champion believe and he feels that if given a chance he will be the heavyweight champ his only child his professional fighter but been fighting whole life outside the ring because of the fighting outside the ring .
Now gave me a rundown of what he was able to capture over the time he was working on his documentary sat now with him for a few hours and just talk um and from there just started diving in and then flew to Missouri to follow up and to figure out what has been happening since he sat down with marcelis it’s an unbelievable story .
Missouri’s Legacy of Racial Injustice Still Lingers:-
One littered with stunning Revelations and broken promises and one that puts Missouri’s yearslong fight against overturning wrongful convictions directly in the spotlight man listen this place down here in Missouri like said this is one of the last states to abolish slavery so that spirit is still here in Missouri and until we actually come together for real and stop just talking about it and actually doing it it’s always going to be this way period .